The ILM Basic Course is an annual course, providing an initial introduction to the method.
The Course teaches the basic principles of the language of the Ilan Lev Method. It includes movement lessons on a mattress, as well as touch therapy in pairs on a treatment table.
The Course is divided into four sections, according to 4 separate modules; Back Module, Side Module, Seating Module, and lastly a Stomach Module. The Modules are arranged according to body position, in accordance with the patient positioning during treatment. In the first module, the patient lies on his/her back, in the second module he/she curls upon his/her side, in the third module the patient sits on the bed, and in the fourth module, the patient lies on his/stomach.
A module is arranged in pre-determined therapeutic actions, that are learned to give the Practitioner a “playground” to search through. Through this, the practitioner moves the patient from anywhere in the body, and in every possible direction, through which itself speaks with the whole system, the patient's body, the practitioner's body, and the whole of creation.
During the course, students are taught the places and directions in the body through which the patient is moved lightly, with great attention, and in ways of 'games' and stimulation. All this is done in order to clarify the body's condition, and to flood it with the proper knowledge, inherent in its being, for its use.
The basic course includes the following sessions throughout the course of the year:
- Opening the day with "Quickies" - Short-term treatments; a quick and refreshing run on the treatment done in a few minutes.
- Movement Classes using the Ilan Lev Method which is usually done lying on a mattress
- Learning the treatment technique through modules and segments is done on a treatment table.
The course is intended for anyone who is interested in helping others and going through a significant process of personal development. It is also intended for anyone who is intrigued and wants to improve abilities and develop his or her self-awareness. In our opinion, all the knowledge needed is already inside of you, by definition, and there is no need for anything more. Our job is to challenge the knowledge within you, stimulate it and bring it to the surface; nothing more.
With great excitement, we are happy to invite you to join us for the 3rd International Ilan Lev Method Practitioners’ Training Program - Basic Course. The Ilan Lev Method works towards improving human capabilities and removing functional difficulties. It also treats motor dysfunction, and mental limitations and solves issues concerning physical disabilities or handicaps. The Ilan Lev Method is a therapy based on touch, in which we use movement and sound as our tools to communicate. The information that our nervous system receives during treatment is registered directly in the sensory part of the brain, beyond the cognitive. This creates deep learning. Our patterns start to break down and our system shifts on a deep level. The treatment strengthens our self-healing abilities which results in relief of pain and stress, better circulation, and a richer range of movement. The treatment has been successful treating Spinal disc hernia, damage to knee cartilage, torn ligaments, damaged and hurt joints, fibromyalgia, vertigo, and more. We see that stress and emotional density in the body are reduced, old traumas are being processed and patients are simply happier and energized. Through its intuitive and playful nature, the method touches all layers of our existence and has the potential to take anyone from their current situation to a whole new level of being. "I love people, love to help, love challenges, I'm a curious, I like new things, thrills, I love the unknown and its usage, I take responsibility, love compassion, hope, the sparkle in the eyes, I look for excitement, love feelings and I see in these the nature of life. It's very important for me to excite those I meet and those I'm with, and I see in this the materials for a true dialogue, fertile and a basis for endless giving". - Ilan Lev Note that the only requirements to enter our training is curiosity and willingness to explore and expand. The ILM Practitioners Training Program consists of 4 parts, that includes Basic Course, Movement Class Teacher Course, Advanced Course and Internship year. Completing all four parts of this training and our internship process enables you to receive a permanent ILM Practitioner Diploma and allows you to be part of the ILM Members Club - ILM Circle of Practitioners. I. The BASIC Course During the course you will learn all the basic treatment materials, discover the Ilan Lev movement language and get to know the ideas and principles of the method. Also the therapeutic attitude and some additional segments will be explored. Completing this course entitles you to a temporary ILM practitioner diploma, so you can begin working as a licensed practitioner and build your clinic. The course will also include: 4 online Lectures with Ilan 8 online Anatomy lessons 4x10 days of Intense modules live in Kików After The Course Upon completion of the Basic Course, a temporary practitioner diploma will be issued and graduates will be allowed to begin working as ILM practitioners. This temporary diploma will be valid for two years and will have a permanent validity once all the other training requirements are completed. In special cases, and upon management’s consideration, the temporary diploma can have an extension of the validation period to three years.
You will also be able to appear in our intern's list in the ILM website, and access to our ever-growing digital video library that has hundreds of hours of recorded classes from previous years and will have the option to continue to learn and grow with us as part of our community. We welcome and encourage you to join the basic course, without committing to any other part in the 3-year training. We strongly believe that through the learning process we offer - you will choose what is best for you, and decide if you wish to continue with us in your journey. DATES: I module: 02.02-11.02.2025 II module: 25.08-03.09.2025 III module: 16.02-25.02.2026 IV module: 24.08-02.09.2026 VENUE: Kików 91a, 28-131 Solec Zdrój, Poland Costs and Payments: Basic Course total cost: 5000 EUR Payments can be made in the following order: (The account number will be sent after email registration). Registration fee: 500 EUR The registration fee is non-refundable. Must be paid immediately after course registration. Your place in the course is secured only upon completing the registration fee payment which will be deducted from the summary meeting in Kików. 1st payment: 1500 EUR To be paid until 1.07.2023 2nd payment: 1500 EUR To be paid until 1.10.2023 3rd payment: 1500 EUR To be paid until 1.01.2024 The price of the Basic Course does not include costs of accommodation and food. Cost of full board during the workshop per person (3 vegetarian meals + accommodation, tea / coffee during the day) to be paid when you arrive in Kików, payment is in PLN (Polish złoty). Please remember to bring it in cash!: - In the double room 1880 pln / person - In the room 3 to 5 person 1800 pln / person - In the attic in own sleeping bag 1720 pln / person There is an option to stay in a private room, the availability depends on the amount of people. For this information contact us directly. Bank details: Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Twórczych Momentum (Association for Creative Initiatives Momentum) 50-084 Wrocław, ul.Małachowskiego 4/2 Bank address: mBank S.A. IBAN: PL73114020040000301209706807 BIC/SWIFT: BREXPLPWMBK Please note: - The number of students is limited and, therefore, in order to ensure your place in the training program you must pay the registration fee. - Should there be any last-minute changes regarding an upcoming course or module, you will be informed immediately.
- students taking the course without the support of an guide-practitioner will be required, in order to obtain the certificate, to undergo 6 treatments with a guide (experienced practitioner indicated by Ilan in Europe, America or Israel), treatments will be charged extra - 10% missing classes - Purchasing a proper treatment table and accessories is required for being able to practice at home (Feldenkrais table, stool, roller and pillows). The estimated cost is €250 EUR per table and about €50 EUR for the accessories. It's important that the table height will be 45-47 cm and that the width will be 80 cm.
2. Table used in Tlv: Dynamic weight should be not less than 220 KG. Also you'll need : -a stool (small chair), it needs to be stable and with the same height as the table. -a roller (Cylinder shaped pillow) is necessary, it should be 15-20 cm diameter and 80 cm long. -pillows ( the best is to have few types) : 40x25x2, 40x25x4
Email: Ksenia Opria +48 530 791 478 Dorota Kamecka +48 726 515 498 Aga Rybak +48 530 716 044 Facebook | Ilan Lev Method Poland YouTube
Let’s build together the ILM community in Europe!
Best regards, The ILM family
The ILM Movement Course
The ILM Movement Course is designed to train instructors for ILM Movement Lessons in the spirit of the Ilan Lev Method.
The course trains practitioners in the Method, to guide a group of people, based on the written lessons of Ilan Lev.
ILM Movement Instructor's Course content scan basic activities of bodily functions, and alongside them the possibility of expanding and deepening the study of movement, to infinity.
The Course is part of the biennial program for training practitioners, and cannot be joined separately.
The ILM Advanced Course is the second year in the biennial program for the certification of practitioners. The course deals with the deepening and expansion of the therapeutic technique. In addition, the participants are exposed and experience specializations that emerge like branches from the Ilan Lev Method 'tree'. For example, in additional modules, knowledge of the energetic component, extensions division, therapeutic meditation, treatment of musicians, improving vision and understanding the method - the theoretical background and more.
By the end of the first year, the student is already licensed to treat, and the certificate is valid for two years from the end of the course. Only after completing the Advanced Course (obtaining a certificate and completing the internship), the student is certified as an ILM Practitioner.
Upon completion of the required, the practitioners join the ILM Members' Circle of the Method, which provides practitioners a constant and ongoing dialogue over time, and provides one another with a supportive environment. The ILM Members' Circle offers activities and workshops, related to deepening the technique, and exposure to specific specializations. The practitioner must keep up to date with the new developments of the Method, for him or herself and for clientele.
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